静大電子研 | 論文
- 4a-H-10 SbSIの光学的性質
- 12p-R-10 アモルファスAs_2Se_3の光導電効果の温度特性
- アモルファスAs_2Se_3の光吸収と光導電効果
- 25a-ZG-13 DSC分析によるアモルファスAs_2Se_3の結晶化
- DSC熱分析によるアモルファスAs_2Se_3:Agの結晶化過程
- 30a-A-12 非晶質aS_2Se_3:Tlの電気伝導
- 2p-F-6 非晶質As_2Se_3の交流導電率へのMn添加の影響
- 1p-PS-9 非晶質As_SeTe_xの熱起電力
- 10p-P-4 SbSIの常誘電相における結晶構造解析
- Monodomain Film Formation and Lasing in Dye-Doped Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
- Anomalously Directed Amplified Spontaneous Emission from a Wedge-Shaped Cell Sandwiched by Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Films
- Advantages of Highly Ordered Polymer-Dyes for Lasing in Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Organic Field-effect Transistor Based on Biphenyl Substituted TTF
- Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Analysis on Solid Surfaces by Time-of-Flight Electron-Stimulated Desorption Microscope
- Two-Dimensional Hydrogen Analysis of Hydrogen Storage Alloy Surface by Electron-Stimulated Desorption Microscopy
- Long-Time Piezoelectric Relaxation in Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Film : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Observation of Piezoelectric Relaxation in Ferroelectric Thin Films by Continuous Charge Integration
- 27a-SB-28 非晶質As_2Se_3の交流導電率への銀添加効果
- 2p-B-7 a-As_Se_Ag_xにおける交流導電率の温度依存性 II
- 2p-B-6 a-As_Se_Ag_xにおける交流導電率の温度依存