青梅市立総合病院耳鼻咽喉科 | 論文
- 常染色体優性遺伝性難聴DFNA5の日本人2家系
- 優性遺伝の難聴の家族歴を有する Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder の1例
- 臨床 化学放射線治療後に下咽頭穿孔をきたした下咽頭癌例
- Effectiveness of Tranilast and Argon Plasma Coagulation for the Inferior Turbinate During the Pollen Season-A Report of 3 Cases of Cedar Pollinosis- : A Report of 3 Cases of Cedar Pollinosis
- Clinical Efficacy of High-dose Administration (200 mg 3 times daily) of CDTR-PI in Treating Acute Sinusitis and Acute Aggravation of Chronic Sinusitis in Adults
- 化学放射線治療後に下咽頭穿孔をきたした下咽頭癌例
- 急性副鼻腔炎の成人例に対するCDTR-PIの高用量投与治療(200mg/回×3回/日)の有用性の検討
- Comparison of therapeutic effects of flunisolide (Synaclyn nasal solution) given as a nebulizer with that given as a metered-dose spray in patients with allergic rhinitis.