阪大薬 | 論文
- 3P0141残基変異により活性を失った大腸菌由来RRFの立体構造の変化
- 3P009常温菌及び好熱菌由来RRFの熱安定性と活性の関わり
- 1P010NMRによるRRFの溶液構造と分子内運動の解析
- 1P005抗HIVペプチドN36耐性株から誘導されたC34KQとN36の複合体のX線結晶解析
- 3E1030 C型肝炎ウイルス由来のNS5Aタンパク質の構造と機能解析
- スカベンジャー受容体ノックアウトマウスを用いたDNAの取り込み機構の解析
- 受容体型プロテインチロシンホスファターゼLARによるインスリンのシグナル伝達制御機構
- 免疫寛容の誘導における腸管上皮内リンパ球のエフェクター機能
- Pharmacological Activity of Chemically Modified Subfragment from Human Serum IgG. XIV. Inhibitory Effect of Carboxamide-Methylated Light Chain (G_1L) on Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Production from Murine Macrophages Stimulated by
- Induction of Unresponsiveness of Antigen-Specific T Lymphocytes by Oral Administration of Cedar Pollen Extract in Mice
- Studies on Thermophile Products. XI. Biological Effect of Antigen Presenting Inhibitor, Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylethanolamine, on Mouse Macrophages
- Studies on Thermophile Products. X. Further Biological Properties of Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylglycerol That Enhances the Induction of Suppressor T Cells
- Studies on Thermophile Products. IX. Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylglycerol That Enhances the Induction of Concanavalin A-Activated Suppressor T Cells
- Studies on Thermophile Products. VIII. Isolation of Bacillus stearothermophilus UBT8038,a Component That Inhibits Antigen Presentation on Mouse Macrophages
- Inhibitory Effect of Tuna Peptide on Endothelin Production in Cultured Endothelial Cells
- Studies on Thermophile Products. VII. Effect of 1,3-Di-14-methylpentadecanoyl Glycerol and Its Related Isofatty Acids on T Cell Proliferation in Vitro
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. XIII. Effect of Carboxamidemethylated Fc Fragment (CM-Fc) on Type II Collagen-Induced Arthritis in DBA/1J Mice
- Abnormal Accumulation of Copper-Metallothionein in the Liver and Kidney of Long-Evans Rats with a Cinnamon-Like Coat Color (LEC Rats)
- Serum Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activity and Hepatocyte Proliferation in Long-Evans with a Cinnamon-Like Coat Color Rats with Hepatic Lesions
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. XII. Effect of Carboxamidemethylated Fc Fragment (CM-Fc) from Human Immunoglobulin G on Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction