関東支部 | 論文
- 富士山北麓の種々な森林環境におけるチョウ類群集の構造と組織
- Diversity and rarity hotspots and conservation of butterfly communities in and around the Aokigahara woodland of Mount Fuji, central Japan
- Patterns in the structure of grassland butterfly communities along a gradient of human disturbance:further analysis based on the generalist/specialist concept
- Analysis and understanding of butterfly community composition based on multivariate approaches and the concept of generalist/specialist strategies
- A more detailed seasonal division of the energy balance and the protein balance of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan
- Effects of fragmentation of secondary broadleaf deciduous forests on populations of the near-threatened butterfly, Sasakia charonda (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), in central Japan
- Roles of riparian and secondary forests in maintaining the near-threatened butterfly, Sasakia charonda (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), populations in Japan
- Effect of vegetation types on oviposition preference of the giant purple emperor, Sasakia charonda
- An Island Biogeographical Approach to the Analysis of Butterfly Community Patterns in Newly Designed Parks
- Effects of habitat fragmentation on the three-way interaction among ants, aphids and larvae of the giant purple emperor, Sasakia charonda (Hewitson), a near-threatened butterfly
- 長期間にわたり咬合性外傷が存在した下顎犬歯への対応
- 全体報告(モネ展と歴史民俗博物館見学会)(関東支部報告)
- 富士山麓・上ノ原草原における人為的管理が吸蜜植物の開花とチョウ類(成虫)の種組成に与える影響
- 「2010年・蝶界」の回顧録-補遺-
- 明治維新によって生まれた〈笑い〉 : 『寄笑新聞』の世界
- 関東各県の長期計画とその問題点 : 関東各県の長期計画に関する第2回シンポジウムから (主集 都市環境と建築学(II) : 人工環境を中心として)
- 関東支部(学会活動の回顧と展望 : 2) 支部)
- 皆で力を合わせて
- 二期目の出発に当たって
- 2年間を振り返って