長崎大学 整形外科 | 論文
- PS-158-8 塵肺を合併した肺癌の鑑別診断と手術のポイント(肺合併症,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-156-6 悪性胸膜中皮腫に対するMultimodalityによる治療戦略と安全性に関する検討(肺集学的治療,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-054-8 Semi-dry dot-blot法を応用した新しい乳癌センチネルリンパ節転移診断法の開発(PS-054 乳腺 センチネル-2,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-026-4 肝移植後の免疫抑制剤離脱と肝線維化の機序(PS-026 肝 移植-2,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- A Follow-up Study of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
- The Ditribution of Motoneurons Innervating the Forelimb Muscles in the Rat. A Study by use Horseradish Peroxidase(HRP).
- Experimental Study of Direct Neurotization. Histological Study of Spinal Anterior Horn Cells by Horseradish Peroxidase Method.:Histological Study of Spinal Anterior Horn Cells by Horseradish Peroxidase Method
- A Case of Displacement of Fractured Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus into the Elbow Joint
- Spontaneous fracture of the femoral neck.
- Heel Gait Cast Treatment for Equinovarus Deformity of Cerebral Palsy
- P21-02 右中下葉無気肺で発症した気管支巨細胞腫瘍の1例(ポスターセッション21 呼吸器・肺)
- A Follow-Up Study on Publick's Bandage Method for Treatment of Congenital Hip Joint Dislocation
- A Follow-up Study of the Fracture of Distal End of Radius
- Computed Transaxial Tomography (CT) of Lumbar Spine
- Prognosis of the talus fracture.
- Effect of the serum of the patient with Perthes' disease on chondrocytes. Study according to the concentration of somatomedin.:Study according to the Concentration of Somatomedin
- Lateral retinacular release for subluxation syndrome of patella. Follow-up study of more than two years after surgery.:Follow-up Study of More than Two Years After Surgery
- On Spondylolysis in the Goto Islands, The First Report
- A Follow-up Study of Muscle Release Operation for Perthes' Disease
- Renal tubular acidosis with osteomalacia.