長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科公衆衛生学 | 論文
- The Survey of A-bomb Experience and Mental Health among A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki
- Epidemiological Study of Mental Health among Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors.
- Mortality by cause of death of A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki based on ABS93D
- Dose-response curves for cancer mortality in the Atomic bomb survivors - Possible threshold model in the dose-response
- Mortality of A-bomb Survivors in RERF population
- Mortality of A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki based on ABS93D
- Psychiatric Epidemiological Survey on Atomic-Bomb Survivors in Nagasaki
- Cause of Death of A-bomb survivors in Nagasaki at early times of A-bomb explosion
- Mortality by Cause of Death of Survivors in Nagasaki at Early Time of A-bomb Explosion.
- Effects of Lifestyle Factors on Stiffness Index of Calcaneus Measured by Quantitative Ultrasound System among Japanese Women Aged 40 Years and Over : The Hizen-Oshima Study
- The Effects of Volcanic Disaster on the Prevalence and Severity of Bronchial Asthma
- Demographic and Reproductive Factors for High Seroprevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis among Pregnant Women in Japan
- Influence of work duration or physical symptoms on mental health among Japanese visual display terminal users
- S13-3 Influence of Visual Display Terminal (VDT) Use to Health among Administrative Officers(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Influence of VDT to Health among Administrative Officers (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 国際医療支援システムのインターネット利用に関する検討
- 一般演題 21 簡易測地キットによる尿中ヨード量の検討;ベラルーシ共和国と日本の比較
- 3 Geographic Effects on Cancer Mortality in Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors(Atomic bomb effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Relationships between low dose A-bomb radiation and examination results
- Relationships between low dose A-bomb radiation and examination results