長崎大学医学部附属原爆後障害医療研究施設 | 論文
- Ukraine Urinary Iodine Levels ; 20 years after the Chernobyl Accident
- The Influence of Visual Display Terminal Use on the Physical and Mental Conditions of Administrative Staff in Japan
- Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Men and Women Aged 40 Years and Older in a Rural Area of Japan
- Determinants of Self-Rated Health among Community-Dwelling Women Aged 40 Years and over in Japan
- Plasma Concentrations of Adrenomedullin and Ghrelin in Hemodialysis Patients with Sustained and Episodic Hypotension
- Steam Leak Accident at Nuclear Power Plant in Japan
- Secular Trends of Sizes at Birth in Japanese Healthy Infants Born between 1962 and 1988
- Thyroid Blockade during a Radiation Emergency in Iodine-rich Areas : Effect of a Stable-iodine Dosage
- Benign Thyroid Diseases among Chernobyl Liquidators
- Urinary lodine Kinetics after Oral Loading of Potassium lodine
- ATL診療に関する国際的合意
- 成人T細胞白血病患者に合併した感染症の検討
- 凍結貯蔵中における魚類筋原繊維の変性と水の存在状態に及ぼすアコヤガイ肉酵素分解物の影響
- No Evidence of Radiation Risk for Thyroid Gland among Schoolchildren around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing Site
- HLA適合同種骨髄移植の成績とその限界-急性骨髄性白血病第1寛解期における骨髄移植成績と化学療法成績との比較-
- 一般演題 3 被爆者検診における血清総ALP値と骨密度との負の相関
- WHO分類に基づく急性骨髄性白血病における網羅的遺伝子変異の解析
- 長崎大学X線マイクロビーム照射装置 (マイクロビーム特集)
- インスリン遺伝子発現調節に及ぼす細胞内グルタチオン含量の影響
- 温熱療法と癌遺伝子治療 (特集 遺伝子複合治療--技術的新展開を見せる遺伝子治療)