金沢大学薬学部 | 論文
- 環境中の金属に関する研究(第2報)前濃縮-原子吸光法による微量銅の分析と降下煤塵中の銅測定への応用
- 電気透析による生体試料中金属の抽出法に関する研究
- Metal Complexes of D-Glucosamine and Its Derivatives. VIII. Metal Complexes of N-Methyl-D-glucosamine and Its Related Amino Sugars
- Spectrophotometric Studies on Fe (III) Complexes of Some Aryl β-Ketoimines
- 環境中の金属に関する研究(第1報)ガスクロマトグラフィーによる超微量クロムの分析と降下煤塵中のクロム測定への応用
- Olefin Cyclization Initiated by α-Thiocarbocation : A Novel Route to Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
- 薬物の血液-脳関門透過性の評価法として培養脳毛細血管内皮細胞系は有用か?
- 家兎眼へのカルバコール軟膏反復点入による摘出毛様体筋の変化およびアンレキサノクス点眼による効果
- サル眼を用いたカルバコール点眼による屈折度の近視化に対するアンレキサノクスの効果
- 第10回反応と合成の進歩シンポジウム : ライフサイエンスを志向した理論, 反応および合成
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. XIII. Synthesis of 6-O-, 6,6'-Di-O-, and 4,6,4', 6'-Tetra-O-stearoyl-α, α-trehaloses
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. XI. Antitumor Effects of Fatty Acid Monoesters of D-Glucose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. X. Plant Growth Inhibition by Pure Anomers of Synthetic 1-O-Lauroyl-D-glucopyranose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. IX. Antitumor Effects of Selectively Fatty Acylated Products of Maltose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. VIII. Antitumor Activity of Sucrose Fatty Acid Esters
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. VII. Plant Growth Inhibition by an Anomeric Mixture of Synthetic 1-O-Lauroyl-D-glucose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. VI. Further Examinations on Antitumor Activities of Stearoyl Esters of Sucrose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. V. Anti Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Effect and Chromatographic Behaviors of Fatty Acyl Monoesters of Sucrose and Trehalose
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. IV. Preparation and Analytical Properties of 1-O-Fattyacyl-α-D-glucopyranoses
- Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrate Esters. III. Antitumor Activity of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Their Ester Derivatives against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma