酪農学園大学附属家畜病院 | 論文
- Immunolocalization of Inhibin/Activin Subunits in Equine Fetal Adrenal Glands during Mid Gestation
- Change in Circulating Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Immunoreactive Inhibin, Progesterone, Testosterone and Estradiol-17β in Fillies from Birth to 6 Months of Age
- 乳牛におけるFat Cow Syndromeの臨床学的所見
- 乳牛の過長蹄と蹄底病変の関係
- Effect of a Single Injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) on Testicular Hormones and Gonadotropins in the Thoroughbred Stallion
- Immunolocalization of Inhibin/Activin Subunits and Steroidogenic Enzymes in Equine Neonatal Ovaries
- Two Cases of Bovine Sarcoma in Clinically Long-Standing Lesions(Pathology)
- 小腸粘膜組織に存在するUDP-グルクロン酸転移酵素の分子種
- 鳥類における血清逸脱酵素の変動機序
- 牛の第四胃変位の病態と早期診断法
- Clinical Usefulness of the Measurement of Bone Mineral Content by Radiographic Absorptiometry in the Young Thoroughbred
- Measurement of Equine Bone Mineral Content by Radiographic Absorptiometry Using CR and Ortho Systems
- 喉頭全切除術ならびに永久気管開口術を行った喉頭扁平上皮癌のシェトランド・シープドッグの2例
- 獣医学系大学家畜病院(動物医療センター)の産業動物臨床に果たす役割
- 北海道におけるフィールドを用いた環境教育の実践と考察
- Suprascapular Nerve Paralysis Due to Streptococcal Meningoradiculitis in a Cow(Pathology)
- Post-Natal Dynamic Changes in Circulating Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Immunoreactive Inhibin, Progesterone, Testosterone and Estradiol-17β in Thoroughbred Colts until 6 Months of Age
- Systemic Candidiasis and Mesenteric Mast Cell Tumor with Multiple Metastases in a Dog(Pathology)
- Annual Changes in Day-length, Temperature, and Circulating Reproductive Hormones in Thoroughbred Stallions and Geldings
- ワンポイント質問 ケトーシス牛に対するブドウ糖酢酸リンゲル液の作用と応用