酪農学園大学酪農学科農業微生物学 | 論文
- Changes of Microbial Population on Liquid Composting of Dairy Cattle Slurry
- Chemical analyses of reservoir fluids from cattle waste, and identification of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the reservoir
- Detection of diacetoxyscirpenol and the related toxins from alfalfa infested with Fusarium spp. by gas-liquid chromatography
- Soybean blight caused by Fusarium oxysporum var. redolens and the production of Fusaric acid by the fungus
- Quantitative Analysis of Fusaric acid in the Cultural Filtrate and Soybean Plants Inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum var. redolens
- エジプトのラクダにみられた前胃繊手虫の構成と新種
- Genetic Variation in Fusarium oxysporum Isolated from Wilt-infested Alfalfa in Hokkaido
- 16S rDNA Sequences Used for Phylogenetic Classification of Micromonospora and Three Bacterial Isolates from Liquid Compost of Dairy Cattle Slurry
- Terminal Restriction Fragmentation Length Polymorphism Analysis of 16S rRNA Genes for the Characterization of Bacterial Community Structure in the Rumen of Sheep Fed Different Diets
- アルファルファ茎枯病菌に対する品種間の罹病度の差と産出されるPhytoalexinsの関係について