近畿大 原子力研 | 論文
- Measurements of Rn-222, Rn-220 and Their Decay Products in the Environmental Air of the High Background Radiation Areas in Yangjiang, China
- Dose Measurement, Its Distribution and Individual External Dose Assessments of Inhabitants in the High Background Radiation Areas in China
- Measurement of Rn-222 in Air on High Background Radiation Area of China
- The Radiation Exposures on the High Background Radiation Areas of China.
- Study on the way of Personal Dose Assessment for Inhabitants in High Background Radiation Areas of China
- Characteristics of the radiation exposure in high background radiation areas
- Dose Measurement of High Background Radiation Area and its Problem
- Unstable chromosome aberrations In the lymphocytes of the residents in a high background radiation area (HBIIA), Cuangdong province. China.
- Dose Heasurement of High Background Radiation Area in China(3)
- Grain Boundary Phosphorus Segregation in Thermally Aged Low Alloy Steels
- Residential Radon Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk in Misasa, Japan: a Case-control Study
- Mortality and Cancer Incidence in Misasa, Japan, a Spa Area with Elevated Radon Levels
- フッ化リチウム単結晶TLD の製作と特性
- Tritium Precipitation in European Cities and in Osaka,Japan Owing to the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
- Tritium Precipitation in European Cities and in Osaka, Japan Owing to the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
- 単結晶TLDの製作と特性
- 近畿大学原子炉中性子ラジオグラフィ設備の概要と特性
- 核分裂片飛跡の放電計数法による医療用ライナック照射室の中性子束密度の測定
- 琵琶湖生態圏におけるチェルノブイリ原発事故による放射能汚染
- 液体シンチレーションスペクトロメータによるラドンの測定