近畿大学 農学部 | 論文
- Gene Expression in Individual Bovine Somatic Cell Cloned Embryos at the 8-cell and Blastocyst Stages of Preimplantation Development
- 銀化合物の抗菌効果検証に関する基礎的研究
- 除菌スプレー製品の空間除菌効果の標準化
- 除菌スプレーの空中浮遊菌および落下菌に対する除去効果
- 重金属集積植物セイヨウカラシナのカルスにおける重金属の挙動(「若手研究者の初論文」)
- ラベンダー、ストエカス細胞の予備凍結法ならびに Vitrification 法による凍結保存の試み
- 凍結保存したラベンダー培養細胞の生存率におよぼすアミノ酸の効果
- 凍結保存したイネ培養細胞の生存活性におよぼすアミノ酸の効果
- Fibrinolytic activity of ligustilide and pharmaceutical comparison of Angelica acutiloba roots before and after processing in hot water
- ファイトレメディエーション : 環境浄化能力の高い植物を求めて
- Effects of Unripe Citrus hassaku Fruits Extract and Its Flavanone Glycosides on Blood Fluidity
- Antiallergic activity of unripe Citrus hassaku fruits extract and its flavanone glycosides on chemical substance-induced dermatitis in mice
- Inhibitory Effects of Citrus hassaku Extract and Its Flavanone Glycosides on Melanogenesis(Pharmacognosy)
- Nicardipine and Nifedipine Inhibit Fatty Acid Desaturases in Rat Liver Microsomes
- Inhibition of Rat Liver Microsomal Desaturases by Curcumin and Related Compounds
- クローン動物作出研究の現状と展望
- The characteristics of desaturation of Trichoderma sp. AM076 and formation of 9,12,15-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3ω1) through Δ15 desaturation of 9,12-hexadecadienoic acid
- Microbial Synthesis of trans Isomer of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) from the Chemically Synthesized Trans Isomer of Linolenic Acid by a Δ12 Desaturase-defective Mutant of Mortierella alpina 1S-4(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Inhibitory Effects of Capsaicinoids on Fatty Acid Desaturation in a Rat Liver Cell Line(Food & Nutrition Science)
- C19 Odd-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) Are Metabolized to C21-PUFAs in a Rat Liver Cell Line, and Curcumin, Gallic Acid, and Their Related Compounds Inhibit Their Desaturation