財団法人サントリー生物有機科学研究所 | 論文
- Opioid Peptide-Like Activities of Fulicin, Fulicin Gene-Related Peptides, and Their Synthetic Analogs
- シマミミズ由来の生理活性ペプチドEIF-4をコードするcDNAのクローニング : 動物
- F219 ゴキブリCrustacean Cardioactive Peptide(CCAP) cDNA の構造と中腸における発現細胞の同定(生理学 生化学)
- OCT-PROCTOLIN, A NOVEL PROCTOLIN-RELATED PEPTIDE, INDUCES CONTRACTION OF RADULA MUSCLE IN OCTOPUS VULGARIS(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 第31回比較内分泌学会公開シンポジウム「比較内分泌学の新世紀」カタユウレイボヤをモデルとした神経ペプチドの構造と機能の進化
- 頭足類生殖に関与する内分泌ホルモン
- 678 Alicyclobacillus sendainensis由来好熱好酸性コラーゲン分解酵素の配列解析と基質特異性解析(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 軟体動物から単離したD-アミノ酸を含む生理活性ペプチド
- 細胞表面に発現した微量抗原ペプチドの単離
- Comparison of Precursor Structures of the GGNG Peptides Derived from the Earthworm Eisenia foetida and the Leech Hirudo nipponia
- Immunohistochemical Lacalization of Annetocin, an Earthworm Oxytocin-Related Peptide, and Identification and Ultrastructural Characteristics of the Annetocin-Secretory Cells in the Oligochaete Earthworm Eisenia foetida
- Gene Structures of the GGNG-Peptides Derived from Annelida and the Gene Products
- OCT-GnRH CHEMORECEPTOR CELLS IN THE EPITHELIUM OF THE OCTOPUS SUCKER(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- New Synthetic Routes to (±)-Perhydrohistrionicotoxin. Stereoselective Synthesis of (6S^*, 7S^*, 8S^*)-7-Butyl-8-hydroxy-1-azaspiro [5.5]-undecan-2-one and Its (6R^*)-Isomer
- 46 Perhydrohistrionicotoxinの立体選択的合成研究
- Functional Analysis of C-Terminal Amide in Bioactivity of Endomorphin-2 : Conformational Comparison with Its Unamidated Peptide in DMSO Solution
- Structure and Function of the Molluscan Myoactive Tetradecapeptides
- 無脊椎動物由来のペプチドとそれらの生物活性 : 軟体動物および環形動物を中心として
- 動物由来のD-アミノ酸含有ペプチドとタンパク質
- CHARACTERIZATION OF A CDNA ENCODING GNIH-RELATED NEUROPEPTIDE FROM GOLDFISH BRAIN(Endocrinology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)