藤田保健衛生大学 肝胆膵内科 | 論文
- Simultaneous registration with CT-fluoro matching for spinal navigation surgery
- A Histomorphologic Study of Scoliosis in Pinealectomized Chickens
- 肝細胞癌に対するTACE後に生じた, 総胆管結石を伴う脾周囲 biloma に対して内視鏡的胆道ドレナージが有用であった1例
- The stiffness parameter β assessed by an ultrasonic phase-locked echo-tracking system is associated with plaque formation in the common carotid artery
- Reduction of liver stiffness by antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B
- EUS-FNAが診断に有用であった結核性リンパ節炎による閉塞性黄疸の1例
- An Arterial Pulse Examination Is Not Sufficient for Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis : A Prospective Multicenter Study
- The Effect of β-Carotene on Lumbar Osteophyte Formation