茨城県立医療大学 放射線技術 | 論文
- Effects of Density Changes in the Chest on Lung Stereotactic Radiotherapy
- Heavy ion CT system based on measurement of residual range distribution
- A Study of the Bone Scintigraphy of the Bata ray Nuclide for the Treatment
- Measurements of energy dependence in image detectors using monochromatized X-ray
- A Study of Scatter-Primary Dose Ratio in Stereotactic Irradiation
- Heavy Ion CT Reconstructed from Residual Range Distribution Measured by Range Shifter and Fluoroscopy System
- Sensitometric Properties in Heavy Ion Radiography
- Energy Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Stereotactic Irradiation Beam
- Residual range distribution measured by heavy ion radiography
- Development of X-ray Spectroscopic System Using Medical X-ray Tube
- Realistic Energy Spectra of a Cobalt-60 Therapeutic Beam
- Dose distribution for the stereotactic irradiation using Monte Carlo simulation
- Study of Tissue Maximum Ratio of Small Field using Different Types of Detectors in Stereotactic Irradiation
- Fundamental Characteristics for Absorbed Dose Calculations of Stereotactic Irradiation
- 192. Use of micro-ionization chamber in a quality assurance and dosimetry for stereotactic radiosurgery
- LET spectra of HZE particle beams in a tissue-equivalent material
- Heavy ion radiography
- Development of multichanel Ion Chamber for measurement of 3 dimensional dose Distributions of Heavy-Ion Therapeutic Beam in patients
- A Proton Dose Calculation Code for Treatment Planning Based on the Pencil Beam Algorithm
- Analysis of the Penumbra for Uniform Irradiation Fields Delivered by a Wobbler method