自治医科大学 臨床検査医学 | 論文
- ゲートレス型AlGaN/GaN HEMTを利用した溶液センサ(結晶成長・特性評価, 窒化物半導体光・電子デバイス・材料, 及び関連技術, 及び一般(窒化物半導体国際ワークショップ))
- 量子細線ネットワークと論理回路応用
- MBE選択成長法を適用したGaAs BDD量子節点デバイスの作製と評価(量子効果デバイス及び関連技術)
- MBE選択成長法を適用したGaAs BDD量子節点デバイスの作製と評価(量子効果デバイス及び関連技術)
- 再生不良性貧血・発作性夜間血色素尿症症候群の経過中,多臓器血栓症を契機に診断されたプラスミノーゲン栃木型異常症
- 収縮弛緩特性計測のための心筋運動の高フレームレート計測
- 頸動脈壁内膜面への適用を目指した超音波RFエコーに基づく表面粗さの高精度推定
- Greater Impairment of Right Ventricular Systolic Function in Patients With Anterior Myocardial Infarction Because of the Extent of Proximal Lesions
- Improved imaging of the carotid artery in the short-axis plane by a mechanical scanning ultrasonic probe
- P2-55 Angular Dependence of Ultrasonic Echo for Imaging Micro-Order Surface Roughness(Poster session 2)
- PE-326 Efficacy of Valsartan on Carotid Arterial Wall Elastic Modulus and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Diabetic Patients(Echo/Doppler(07)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Threshold setting for likelihood function for elasticity-based tissue classification of arterial walls by evaluating variance in measurement of radial strain (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- Tissue structure of arterial wall revealed with elasticity imaging
- P2-54 Tissue Classification of Artery Wall Based on Elasticity Distribution in Region of Interest Determined by Spatial Resolution of Ultrasound(Poster session 2)
- Tissue Classification of Arterial Wall Based on Elasticity Image (Special Issue: Ultrasonic Electronics)
- P2-41 Tissue Classification of Arterial Wall Based on Correlation Between Regional Elasticity Distributions and Elasticity Histograms of Tissues(Short oral presentation for posters)
- Construction of Reference Data for Tissue Characterization of Arterial Wall Based on Elasticity Images
- P2-59 Construction of Reference Data for Classification of Elasticity Images of Arterial Wall(Short presentation for poster)
- Right Ventricular Systolic Function and the Manner of Transformation of the Right Ventricle in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Evaluating the regional elastic modulus of a cylindrical shell with nonuniform wall thickness