群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科皮膚病態学 | 論文
- Successful treatment with bosentan for refractory digital ulcers in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus
- Adult-onset Still's disease complicated by multiple cranial nerve palsy and hypothyroidism
- Topical Tacrolimus Therapy for Erythematous Lesions of Dermatomyositis
- Juvenile systemic sclerosis : Report of three cases and review of Japanese published work
- Adult case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Extramammary Paget's Disease with Bowenoid Histologic Features Accompanied by an Ectopic Lesion on the Upper Abdomen
- 同一病巣に見られた色素性母斑,表皮様嚢腫,石灰化上皮腫の併発例
- 皮膚良性腫瘍の切除
- 症例報告 全身性無汗症が契機となり診断したSjogren症候群の1例
- 症例報告 小児腹壁遠心性脂肪萎縮症の1例
- 褥瘡の治療 (内科医がおさえておくべき皮膚科の基本) -- (内科医がまずおさえておくべき重要な皮膚疾患)
- 症例報告 面皰母斑の1例
- メルケル細胞癌の1例
- Reactive proliferation of endothelial cells and pericytes associated with arteriovenous malformation
- Case of livedoid vasculopathy with extensive dermal capillary thrombi
- 褥瘡における外用剤・創傷被覆材の使い方
- 実践的創傷治癒論
- 症例 下肢に生じたStewart-Treves症候群の1例
- 症例報告 腋窩に生じた皮膚腺病の1例
- 臨床的, 組織学的に Langerhans 細胞組織球症を思わせた乳児疥癬の1例