群馬大学 医学系研究科病態制御内科学 | 論文
- Additional value of integrated PET/CT over PET alone in the initial staging and follow up of head and neck malignancy
- Radioimmunotherapy of solid tumors targeting a cell-surface protein, FZD10 : therapeutic efficacy largely depends on radiosensitivity
- Expression of glucose transporters and hexokinase II in cholangiocellular carcinoma compared using [^F]-2-fluro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography
- Clinicopathological presentation of varying ^F-FDG uptake and expression of glucose transporter 1 and hexokinase II in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocellular carcinoma
- Pulmonary Thromboembolism : Evaluating the Indication and Effect of a Vena Caval Filter With Indium-111-Platelet Scintigraphy
- A shifting landscape : What will be next FDG in PET oncology?
- The role of whole-body FDG-PET in preoperative assessment of tumor staging in oral cancers
- Alternating myocardial sympathetic neural function of athlete's heart in professional cycle racers examined with iodine-123-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy
- A basic study on lesion detectability for hot spot imaging of positron emitters with dedicated PET and positron coincidence gamma camera
- Usefulness of dual-head coincidence gamma camera with thick NaI crystals for nuclear oncology : Comparison with dedicated PET camera and conventional gamma camera with thin NaI crystals
- Fundamental study of hot detectability in 3-dimensional positron emission tomography
- Effect of edetate calcium disodium on yttrium-90 activity in bone of mice
- Introducing a Downsized, Open Computer System with Asynchronous Transfer Mode in PACS and Its Effect on Image Data Transfer
- Does myocardial thallium-201 SPECT combined with electron beam computed tomography improve the detectability of coronary artery disease? : Comparative study of diagnostic accuracy
- Pentavalent Technetium-99m Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Uptake in Primary Amyloidosis: Comparison with Autopsy Findings
- Detection of metastatic lesions from malignant pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging : comparison with ^F-FDG positron emission tomography and ^I-MIBG scintigraphy
- Diagnosis of maxillofacial tumor with L-3-[^F]-fluoro-α-methyltyrosine (FMT) PET : a comparative study with FDG-PET
- Present role and future prospects of positron emission tomography in clinical oncology
- PET and PET/CT using ^F-FDG in the diagnosis and management of cancer patients
- Current status of cancer therapy with radiolabeled monoclonal antibody