竜操整形外科 | 論文
- 腰椎変性すべり症の予後に影響する因子の検討―保存的治療例と手術的治療例の検討から―
- 股関節に生じた滑膜性骨軟骨腫症の2例
- 頚椎症性脊髄症における多数回手術例の検討
- 腰部脊柱管狭窄症の手術成績 : 術後長期経過例について
- Syringomyelia after Thoracic Spinal Surgery.
- Treatment for Old Fracture-Dislocations of the Cervical Spine
- Clinical analysis of multiply operated back.
- Four cases of delayed myelopathy following compression fractures of the Thoraco-lumbar spine
- タイトル無し
- Luque's instrumentation for the spinal disorders.
- Multiple operation for cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
- Results of surgical treatment in cervical myelopathies and incomplete cervical spinal cord injuries: With respect to the influence of trauma history.:with Respect to the Influence of Trauma History
- The sudden onset type cervical myelopathy.
- Operative Results for Ossification of the Yellow Ligament in the Thoracic Spine.
- A case report of spontaneous spinal subarachnoid and epidural hematoma.
- 頸椎症性筋萎縮症手術例の検討
- Surgical Results and Post-operative X-ray Findings in Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Treated by Posterior Decompression without Fusion.
- Surgical Results in Lumbar Canal Stenosis. Cases Followed Longer than 3 Years.:Cases Followed Longer than 3 Years
- Clinical Study of Herniated Intervertebral Disks of the Lumbar Spine Extruded to the Posterior Epidural Space.
- A Comparative Study of Lumbar Canal Stenosis between Conservative Treatment and Operative Treatment.