福岡県種鶏場 | 論文
- 貝類廢棄部の利用に関する研究-II : 鶏の生長及び産卵率に及ぼすアサリ煮汁の効果
- 貝類廃棄部の利用に関する研究-5-
- 貝類廃棄部の利用に関する研究-4-
- 貝類廃棄部の利用に関する研究-1・2-
- 煉製品製造残滓の利用に関する研究-1-
- Studies on Utilization of Trimmings Wasted in Manufacturing Cooked Fish Paste-II:A long-term experment on effect of solubilized trimmings on growth and egg production
- Studies on Utilization of Trimmings Wasted in Manufacturing Cooked Fish Paste-III:Effetiveness of solubilized trimmings to prevention of lowering of the egg production in molting season
- Studies on Utilization of Trimmings Wasted in Manufacturing "Kamaboko", a Cooked Fish Cake-IV:A large-scale experiment on the effectiveness of solubilized trimmings on egg production