福岡歯科大学口腔外科学第1講座 | 論文
- A case of pleomorphic adenoma of the cheek.
- 顎骨に発生した線維性骨異形成症の1例
- A case of epulis osteoplastica.
- Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observation on a case of pleomorphic adenoma occured in the palate.
- A case of lipoma occurred in the buccal wall - Ultrastructure and electron microprobe EDX analysis.:Ultrastructure and electron microprobe EDX analysis
- 魚骨を核として形成されたと思われる唾石症の1例
- 口腔外科領域における緻密質顆粒水酸化アパタイト骨補填材の臨床評価-9施設における共同研究-
- A case of fibroma occurred in the dorzum linguae - Ultrastructure and electron microprobe X-ray analysis.:Ultrastructure and electron microprobe X-ray analysis
- 習慣性片側性顎関節脱臼の1治験例