福岡大学薬学部薬学科 | 論文
- Involvement of GABA_A Receptors in the Neuroprotective Effect of Theanine on Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice
- Prenatal Exposure to 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) Promotes Anxiogenic Behavior in Rats
- Nilvadipine Prevents the Impairment of Spatial Memory Induced by Cerebral Ischemia Combined with β-Amyloid in Rats(Pharmacology)
- Comparison of Single- and Repeated-Ischemia-Induced Changes in Expression of Flip and Flop Splice Variants of AMPA Receptor Subtypes GluR1 and GluR2 in the Rats Hippocampus CA1 Subregion
- Perospirone, a Novel Antipsychotic Drug, Inhibits Marble-Burying Behavior via 5-HT_ Receptor in Mice : Implications for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- ネズミのこころ
- Role of Dopaminergic System in Core Part of Nucleus Accumbens in Hyperlocomotion and Rearing Induced by MK-801 in Rats : A Behavioral and In Vivo Microdialysis Study
- Reducing Acyl Migration during Purification of 2-Arachidonoylglycerol from Biological Samples before Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis
- 抑肝散の中枢作用に関する検討 (生体機能と創薬シンポジウム2006 疾病の標的分子と治療薬開発の最前線 講演要旨集)
- 薬学部との共同による精神行動薬理学的研究 : 福岡大学における取り組みを中心に
- 90.感覚運動野欠損モデルラットの運動機能回復に関する行動学的検討と脳内物質の変化
- Ameliorating effects of Kangen-karyu on neuronal damage in rats subjected to repeated cerebral ischemia
- The Cannabinoid 1-Receptor Silent Antagonist O-2050 Attenuates Preference for High-Fat Diet and Activated Astrocytes in Mice
- 漢方方剤と脳機能疾患(教育講演2)
- 当帰芍薬散の脳機能賦活作用とその活性成分
- 大麻による異常行動とその発現機序
- Effects of yokukansan on anxiety-like behavior in a rat model of cerebrovascular dementia
- Yokukansan Enhances Pentobarbital-Induced Sleep in Socially Isolated Mice : Possible Involvement of GABA_A-Benzodiazepine Receptor Complex
- Neuroprotective Effects of Citidine-5-diphosphocholine on Impaired Spatial Memory in a Rat Model of Cerebrovascular Dementia
- うつ病患者における唾液中コルチゾールおよびDHEA濃度の測定