福井大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科 | 論文
- 191) 冠動脈攣縮性狭心症における心筋糖代謝異常
- All-trans retinoic acid による寛解導入療法施行中に完全房室ブロックによる Adams-Stokes 発作を生じた急性前骨髄球性白血病
- PJ-786 Utility of N-13 Ammonia-PET for Predicting Short-term Left Ventricular Functional Recovery in Patients with AMI-Comparison with FDG-PET-(Nuclear cardiology-9 (H) PJ138,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the
- 心筋梗塞発症早期の梗塞非関連領域内に見られる酸素代謝障害の意義(日本循環器学会北陸地方会第105回学術集会)
- Primary PTCA後の壁運動改善予測におけるN-13 ammonia-PETとFDG-PETの有用性の比較(日本循環器学会北陸地方会第105回学術集会)
- 116)ATP負荷タリウムシンチ正常例の予後
- 115)Microvascular anginaにおける冠微小循環障害とATPタリウム心筋シンチ所見との関連
- 4)塩酸サルボグレラートの側副血行路に対する影響
- 10)急性心筋梗塞亜急性期におけるFDG-PET遅延像撮像の意義(日本循環器学会第126回東海・第111回北陸合同地方会)
- 60)Adriamycin心毒性に対するEdaravoneの保護効果(第110回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- 36)心膜の活動性炎症をF-18 FDG PETで鮮明に描出できた慢性収縮性心膜炎の1例(第110回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- 13)再灌流成功心筋梗塞例におけるST-segment resolutionと冠微小循環障害との関連(第110回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- PJ-515 Anemia is the Predictor of the Elevation of Cardiac Troponin I in Patients with Acute Cardiac Decompensation(Heart failure, clinical(18)(M),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-514 Intermittent Infusion Therapy for Patients with severe chronic heart failure(Heart failure, clinical(18)(M),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-267 Determination of appropriate boundaries of coronary arterial wall by CT density in MDCT ; comparison to IVUS measurement(CT/DSA(08)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Persistently Increased Serum Concentrations of Cardiac Troponin in Patients With Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure are Predictive of Adverse Outcomes
- PJ-500 Myocyte Injury in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Chronic Heart Failure(Heart failure, clinical-15, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-785 The Compact Automated Immunoassay Analyzer (PATHFAST) is a Useful Tool for the Rapid Assay of Hematological Markers in Cardiovascular Diseases(Neurohumoral factors-3 (H) PJ137,Poster Session (Japanese),Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary
- PJ-769 Discrepancy between the Markers of Myocardial Load and Myocyte Injury Measured by PATHFAST in Patients with Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure(Heart failure, clinical-20 (M) PJ133,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Me
- P-640 医療人としての薬剤師業務(62) : カナマイシンカプセルの関与が否定できない急性腎不全の1症例(8.有害事象・副作用(基礎と臨床)3,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)