神戸学院大学薬学部臨床薬学部門薬剤学研究室 | 論文
- Protective Effects of Some Neutral Amino Acids against Hypotonic Hemolysis
- Computer Simulation of Agglomeration in the Wurster Process
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fhiidized Bed Process. I. Aqueous Enteric Coating with Methacrylic Acid-Ethylacrylate Copolymer and the Dissolution Behavior of Products(Pharmaceutical)
- Physical Characterization of Erythromycin Dihydrate, Anhydrate and Amorphous Solid and Their Dissolution Properties
- 細粒と粉末の混合に関する研究(第2報)細粒と微粉砕粉末の混合状態
- 細粒と粉末の混合--混合性におよぼす粉末粒子径と付着力の効果 (〔粉体工学会〕夏期シンポジウム特集)