神戸学院大学薬学部臨床薬学部門薬剤学研究室 | 論文
- Quantitative Determination of Ergothioneine in Plasma and Tissues by TLC-Densitometry
- 01P2-143 血中エフェドリン濃度を指標とした葛根湯エキス製剤投与スケジュールの改善
- Effects of Fatty Acids, Fatty Amines and Propylene Glycol on Rat Stratum Corneum Lipids and Proteins in Vitro Measured by Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection (FT-IR/ATR) Spectroscopy
- Destabilization of Whole Skin Lipid Bio-liposomes Induced by Skin Penetration Enhancers and FT-IR/ATR (Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection) Analysis of Stratum Corneum Lipids
- Microgranulation and Encapsulation of Pulverized Pharmaceutical Powders with Ethyl Cellulose by the Wurster Process
- Effect of Additives on Physical Properties of Fine Ethyl Cellulose Microcapsules Prepared by the Wurster Process
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. IV. : Softening Temperature of Acrylic Copolymers and Its Relation to Film-Formation in Aqueous Coating
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. III. : Aqueous Coating with Ethyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate-2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate Copolymer and the Dissolution Properties of the Products
- Coating of Pharmaceutical Powders by Fluidized Bed Process. II. : Microcapsules Produced by Layering of Fine Powder on Coarse Particles and Subsequent Aqueous Enteric Coating
- 緑茶アミノ酸テアニンの組織分布とGlutamate Transporter介在性制癌剤効果増強
- Behavior of Propylene Glycol (PG) in Dermis after Treatment of Rat Intact Skin Surface with Fatty Acids, Fatty Amines or Azone Dissolved in PG
- Effects of Oleic Acid/Propylene Glycol on Rat Abdominal Stratum Corneum : Lipid Extraction and Appearance of Propylene Glycol in the Dermis Measured by Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflectance (FT-IR/ATR) Spectroscopy
- Cancer Electrochemotherapy(癌電気化学療法)に関する研究(その13)低電圧電気パルスを併用した場合の抗腫瘍効果の検討
- Electroporation法とIontophoresisの併用によるインスリンの皮膚透過促進効果
- Diltiazem とAprindine の薬物相互作用(第2報) : ヒト肝ミクロゾームによる検討
- CDDP耐性肝癌株(H4-II-E/CDDP)におけるCDDPの細胞内取り込みの変化
- SM-11355/リピオドール懸濁液の作用機序 - 投与剤形における in vitro 細胞増殖制御効果と細胞内取りこみ挙動の評価 -
- 13P-7-39 C 型慢肝炎患者における血漿中グルタチオン濃度とインターフェロン治療効果との関連
- Cancer Electrochemotherapy (癌電気化学療法)に関する研究(その7) : ブレオマイシン投与を電気パルス負荷前あるいは負荷後に行った場合の増殖抑制効果の比較
- リポソーム中の脂質の過酸化に対するタウリンの抑制作用