獨協医科大学 泌尿器科学 | 論文
- 膀胱癌診断におけるUBC,NMP22,BTAの尿中腫瘍マーカーとしての有用性の比較
- ステロイド療法が奏効した骨盤内後腹膜線維症の1例
- 高感度 Total-PSA および Free-PSA 測定キット間の免疫認識の差異について
- Surgical treatment of urethral distraction defect associated with pelvic fracture : A nationwide survey in Japan
- Variety of congenital urethral lesions in boys with lower urinary tract symptoms and the results of endoscopic treatment
- A pilot study evaluating a new questionnaire for prostatic symptom scoring, the SPSS, and its sensitivity as constructed to objective measures of outflow obstruction
- Renal Arteriovenous Malformation Showing Peripelvic Extravasation and Elevated Urine Catecholamine
- hCG-hMG療法にて自然妊娠に成功した無精子症の一例
- Single-blind, randomized controlled study of the clinical and urodynamic effects of an α-blocker (naftopidil) and phytotherapy (eviprostat) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Combination of a cholinergic drug and an α-blocker is more effective than monotherapy for the treatment of voiding difficulty in patients with underactive detrusor
- 30.硬膜外電気刺激針の考案と治療効果について(その他の運動器疾患)
- 私立大学病院の現状と取り組み(新臨床研修システムとリハビリテーション科専門医の養成)(第41回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会)
- ブタ排尿筋弛緩反応におけるβ-アドレナリン受容体サブタイプの役割の検討
- 前立腺癌における遊離型および複合型前立腺徳井抗原(PSA)測定の臨床的意義 - ACS-PSA法,Delfia法,栄PSA法を用いて -
- Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma with scant carcinomatous components
- PSA の血中存在様式
- Separation methods applicable to prostate cancer diagnosis and monitoring therapy
- Negative p53/Positive p21 Immunostaining Is a Predictor of Favorable Response to Chemotherapy in patients with Locally Advanced bladder Cancer
- Serial lectin affinity chromatography demonstrates altered asparagine-linked sugar-chain structures of prostate-specific antigen in human prostate carcinoma
- Effects of lntravenous Administration of High Dose-Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate on Serum Hormonal Levels in Patients with Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer