熊本大学医学部附属病院 放射線科 | 論文
- 補正組み込み型OS-EM法の再構成条件が左室内腔容積算出に及ぼす影響
- 減弱(吸収)補正 : TCT法を中心に(第45回核医学分科会プログラム)
- SPECT/CTにおける画像補正法
- PET/CT時代における骨、^Tl, ^Gaシンチの意義 : 司会の言葉
- 核医学装置の動向
- SPECT/CT融合画像の臨床応用(第51回核医学分科会)
- Management of sentinel lymph nodes in malignant skin tumors using dynamic lymphoscintigraphy and the single-photon-emission computed tomography/computed tomography combined system
- Development of a collimator blurring compensation method using fine angular sampling projection data in SPECT
- Optimum energy window setting on Hg-201 x-rays photopeak for effective Tl-201 imaging
- Accurate scatter correction for transmission computed tomography using an uncollimated line array source
- 45.当科における肺野小型末梢異常陰影に対する最近の胸腔鏡下手術の検討(一般演題)(第24回 日本気管支学会九州支部総会)
- Hyperoxia-induced Acute Lung Injury Using a Pig Model: Correlation between MR Imaging and Histologic Results
- Phantom Evaluation of Scatter and Attenuation Correction in Thallium-201/Technetium-99m Acquisition in Myocardial Perfusion Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Diagnostic accuracy of simultaneous acquisition of transmission and emission data with technetium-99m transmission source thallium-201 myocardial SPECT
- Evaluation of persistence of ductus venosus with Tc-99m DTPA galactosyl human serum albumin liver scintigraphy and I-123 iodoamphetamine per-rectal portal scintigraphy
- 44.肺末梢性カルチノイド腫瘍の1例 : 第39回日本肺癌学会九州支部会
- A new method for crosstalk correction in simultaneous dual-isotope myocardial imaging with Tl-201 and I-123
- 18.Screlosing hemangiomaの1例 : 第38回日本肺癌学会九州支部会