熊本労災病院 | 論文
- Clinical study of external fixation method for open fracture of leg.
- 経皮的冠動脈ステント留置術を受けた透析患者において, 糖尿病は臨床転帰に影響を及ぼすか
- 陰嚢内硬化性脂肪肉芽腫の1例 : 第19回大分地方会
- 腎孟腫瘍における経尿道的尿管摘出術の経験 : 第134回熊本地方会
- retrograde ENDOBRSTの経験 : 第133回熊本地方会
- P1-467 WarfarinとS-1併用患者におけるINR上昇の発現時期に関する調査(薬物相互作用,ポスター,一般演題,岐路に立つ医療〜千年紀の目覚め〜よみがえれ!ニッポン!薬の改革は我らが手で!)
- P1-9-2 肺の良性転移性子宮筋腫と骨盤内の寄生子宮筋腫の合併例(Group 9 子宮筋腫,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第65回学術講演会)
- A case of free vascularized fribular graft with peroneal flap.
- Three cases of traumatic dislocation of the peroneal tendons.
- A case report of the one-bone forearm method for a loss of the distal ulna after osteomyelitis in infant.
- タイトル無し
- The deposition of hydroxyapatite in multiple portions of the body in the treatment of periodic hemodialysis : A case report.
- A case of the chance fracture.
- Experience of the treatment of delayed union and nonunion.
- Review of upper cervical spine injuries.
- Mass-Screening Examination of Scoliosis in School Children
- Application of AO-H Plates for Stabilization of Unstable Luxation of Lower Cervical Vertebrae
- Computed tomography in the diagnosis of the lumbar disc herniation.
- A Study of Results of CHS Method for High Aged Patients with Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Femur.
- Operative Studies of Lumbar Disc Herniation in Recent 3 Years and 4 Months