沖縄大学短期大学部 | 論文
- A Study of George Orwell's Early Novels
- Scrooge の改心の構造
- 逸脱、そして成長と愛 : Great Expectations 論
- From Opposition to Proportion : An essay on Howards End
- The Order Restored : A Study of Tom Jones
- 大店法緩和と沖縄における流通の課題
- Analysis of Pan American World Airways, Inc. : Financial Analysis for Business Decision Using Beaver & Altman Studies
- Models of Psycholinguistic Investigation (An Overview)
- Awareness of Composing a Paragraph in FL
- Computer-Assisted Sociolinguistic Research Methods
- A Holistic Approach Involving the Cooperation Between Workers and Community College Instructors
- The Transfer of Linguistic Phenomena in Learning English Negation
- The Nature of Reentry Shock of Women : A Survey Among the Wives of Japanese Corporate Sojourners
- Aural Recognition of English Inflectional Words of Japanese Listeners
- The Complex Interactive Process of the Initial Fragment in Aural Word Retrieval
- An Analysis of Certain Influencial Factors in the Development of Listening Comprehension of English Vocabulary
- Potential Segmentation Units in Sentence Perception
- 第2次大戦後日本における流通組織化政策の検討
- 戦後沖縄における就業構造の推移
- 「流通革命」論の検討