水産講習所 | 論文
- 曳船による着岸について(日本航海学会第12回講演会)
- Distribution of Inositol in Fish
- The diffusion of NaCl in the Fish-filet
- 魚肉蛋白質に関する研究(第一報)鯉肉Myosinの物理化学的性状
- Immigration of Salmons to a Fishing Ground on the West Coast of Kamchatka in Relation to the Hydrographical Conditions
- The Model Experiments on Fixed Nets for Fishing Salmons in Kamchatka
- The Depth and the Distance form Shore of the Routes of Migration of Salmons
- The Shoreward Migration of Japanese King Crabs at a Fishing Ground in Western Kamtchatka
- Action of Sulphur on the Sardine Oil. I
- On the Salt-Curing of Srdine
- The Content of Ca in the Muscle of a Teleost, Hypomesus olidus, in Relation to its Environment
- Effects of Chemical Substances Dissolved in Water on Pisces and Mollusca. I
- Effects of Fatty Acids of Tuna Oil upon the Inside Varnish of the Cans for Oiled Tuna
- The Correlation between Colour and Freshness of Canned Tomato Sardine Meat
- Difference of Chemical Composition in Various Parts of Canned Crab (Paralithodes camtschatica)
- Putrefaction of Boiled and Raw Meats Compared
- Effects of Degree and Duration of Heating on the Digestibility of Powdered Fish Meal
- Determination of Sulphuric Acid in the Fishery Products
- Influence of Wind on the Catch of Spring Herring on the Japan Sea Coast of Hokkaidô
- Chemical Study of Squalus sucklii (GIRARD). I