東北大学 農学研究科 | 論文
- 3S28 Amycolatopsis sp.のポリ乳酸分解酵素の単離及び性質並びに遺伝子のクローニング
- 3C-AM5 Amycolatopsis sp. K104-1株の生産するポリ乳酸分解酵素群の精製、性質の解明、遺伝子クローニング、遺伝子解析に関する研究(微生物による合成高分子の生分解性獲得戦略と進化を高分子化学/微生物学/数学で解析する,シンポジウム)
- 乳酸菌の酸素耐性メカニズム
- Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Oil Fumes in Rat Hepatocytes Using a Model System for Deep-fat Frying
- Tempeh-like Fermented Soybean (GABA-tempeh) Has an Effective Influence on Lipid Metabolism in Rats
- Administration of two oils rich in n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to rat pups of dams fed a diet high in fat and low in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Effect of Sterols in Dietary Fats on Whole Blood Viscosity of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP)
- Effect of Dose of Fat and Fat Content of the Maintenance Diet on Postprandial Serum Triglyceride in Rats
- The Accumulation of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Rotifers by Feeding the DHA-enriched Yeast, Pichia methanolica HA-32
- The Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid Composition on Food Choice Using the Bottle-Choice Test in Rats
- Effect of γ-Aminobutyric Acid-enriched Tempeh-like Fermented Soybean (GABA-Tempeh) on the Blood Pressure of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Bottle-choice Tests in Sprague-Dawley Rats Using Liquid Diets That Differ in Oil and Sucrose Contents(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Effect of Dietary Supplementation of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) on Red Blood Cell Deformability and Blood Viscosity in Rats
- The Production of a New Tempeh-like Fermented Soybean Containing a High Level of γ-Aminobutyric Acid by Anaerobic Incubation with Rhizopus(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Incorporation and Accumulation of Docosahexaenoic Acid from the Medium by Pichia methanolica HA-32(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- The Incorporation and Accumulation of Supplemented Fatty Acids in Mucor hiemalis HA-30
- Production of Eicosapentaenoic Acid-Enriched Triacylglycerol by Mucor hiemalis HA-30
- Development and analysis of microbial characteristics of an acidulocomposting system for the treatment of garbage and cattle manure(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of a commercial microbiological additive on beef manure compost in the composting process
- Panton-Valentine 型ロイコシジン産生黄色ブドウ球菌による〓の臨床的検討