東北大学 臨床薬学 | 論文
- OE-264 Plasma Retinol-binding Protein 4 as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease(OE45,Angina Pectoris (Clinical, Basic) (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circula
- FRS-039 Critical Role of Ghrelin in Ventricular Remodeling after Acute Myocardial Infarction(FRS8,Novel Biomarkers and Pathophysiology of ACS (IHD),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- A Case of Vertebral Artery Dissection Associated with Morning Blood Pressure Surge
- A Case of Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Caused by Transient Hypercoagulable State Induced by Infection
- 76)加齢によるADL低下にて心不全の顕性化が遅延した重症僧帽弁逸脱症の一例(第103回日本循環器学会近畿地方会)
- PE-593 Role of 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid on Impaired Renal Hemodynamics in Fructose-fed Rats(Kidney/Renal circulation-3 (H) PE104,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Hyperinsulinemia Contributes to Upregulation of 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid Production in Renal Interlobar Arteries of Fructose-Fed Rats(Diabetes/Obesity 5 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Intermediate Fixed Coronary Artery Stenosis at the Site of Ergonovine-Provoked Spasm as a Predictor of Long-Term Major Adverse Cardiac Events of Patients With Coronary Spastic Angina
- Influence of Hypertension on the Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease in Two Rural Communities in Japan : The Tanno-Soubetsu Study
- Relationship between Visceral Fat and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors : The Tanno and Sobetsu Study
- Development and Progression of Atherosclerotic Disease in Relation to Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia
- Post-Challenge Hyperglycemia Results in Acceleration of Cardiovascular Morbidity(Diabetes/Obesity 8 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Adiponectin and Renal Function in Glucose Tolerance Impairment : The Tanno and Sobetsu Study(Preventive Medicine/Epidemiology/Education/Health Policy 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Comparison of the National Nutritional Survey in Japan Estimated Individual-Based Nutritional Data and NIPPON DATA80 Food Frequency Questionnaires
- Fatty Acids Intakes and Serum Lipid Profiles : NIPPON DATA90 and the National Nutrition Monitoring
- Integration of Data from NIPPON DATA80/90 and National Nutrition Survey in Japan : For Cohort Studies of Representative Japanese on Nutrition
- PJ-679 Clinical Significance of High Molecular Weight Form of Adiponectin in Male Patients with Coronary Artery Disease(Diabetes / Obesity / Metabolic syndrome(14)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- Plasma Adiponectin Concentration and Renal Function, and its Predictive Role in Cardiovascular Disease (Kidney/Renal Circulation 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Adiponectin as a Biomarker of the Metabolic Syndrome
- Factors associated with myocardial salvage immediately after emergent percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction