東北大学 消化器内科 | 論文
- 超音波健診発見脂肪肝症例における健診後の超音波検査所見と血液生化学検査値の変動
- 発見がん症例の生存率による上腹部超音波検診の評価
- がん・生活習慣病健診における肝血管腫の検出状況について
- 胃疾患に対する内視鏡的治療の偶発症に関する検討
- Nuclear Factor Kappa B Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
- Expression of ROCK-1 in Human Pancreatic Cancer : Its Down-Regulation by Morpholino Oligo Antisense Can Reduce the Migration of Pancreatic Cancer Cells In Vitro
- Myosin Light Chain Kinase Inhibitors Can Block Invasion and Adhesion of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines
- Analysis of the human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) gene mutations in Japanese patients with chronic pancreatitis
- The Pattern of CPP32/Caspase-3 Expression Reflects the Biological Behavior of the Human Pancreatic Duct Cell Tumors
- Expression of the calcium-binding protein S100P is regulated by bone morphogenetic protein in pancreatic duct epithelial cell lines
- Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand and Its Receptor Expression and the Pathway of Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Cancer
- Fas Ligand Is Frequently Expressed in Human Pancreatic Duct Cell Carcinoma
- Expression of Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGFβ1) and Its Receptors in Pancreatic Duct Cell Carcinoma and in Chronic Pancreatitis
- Gallbladder emptying and cholecystokinin and pancreatic polypeptide responses to a liquid meal in patients with diabetes mellitus
- Effects of ethanol on meal-stimulated secretion of pancreatic polypeptide and cholecystokinin: Comparison of healthy volunteers, heavy drinkers, and patiens with chronic pancreatitis
- Effects of cisapride on gallbladder emptying and pancreatic polypeptide and cholecystokinin release in humans
- 食道・胃静脈瘤破裂 (特集 内科エマージェンシー--病態生理の理解と診療の基本) -- (消化器系疾患)
- 胃酸分泌からみた Barrett 食道癌の病態
- 臨床 最新・薬物治療の実際 胃食道逆流症(GERD)の実態とその薬物療法
- 食道を原発とする早期悪性黒色色腫の1例