東北大学 医学系研究科老年病態学 | 論文
- B-20 Developmental changes of the expression of calcineurin isoforms in the rat cerebellum.
- B-19 Simple method of in situ hybridization employing non-radioactive PCR DNA probes : the expression of calcineurin isoforms in the rat brain.
- B-18 Localization of D-amino acid oxidase in the developing rat kidney
- Effects of capsiate on the triggering of the swallowing reflex in elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia
- Geriatric Medicine, Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and Biomarker Development
- In vivo labeling of amyloid with BF-108
- Effects of pneumococcal vaccination on hospitalization and exacerbations in elderly Japanese chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
- Prevention of respiratory infactions in the elderly
- Comparison of disabled older people in the USA and Japan
- Gender crossover of lung function
- Impact of physical activity and performance on medical care costs among the Japanese elderly
- A modified method of 3D-SSP analysis for amyloid PET imaging using [^C]BF-227