東北大学理学研究科 | 論文
- 東北日本の3次元P波速度構造と震源分布東北日本の3次元P波速度構造と震源分布(口絵写真解説)
- Global Solutions with a Moving Singularity for a Semilinear Parabolic Equation (Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Mathematical Modeling)
- Existence of Solutions with Moving Singularities for a Semilinear Parabolic Equation (Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Mathematical Modeling)
- Non-homogeneous semilinear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- Positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations involving Dirac measures(Functional Equations Based upon Phenomena)
- Self-similar solutions of two-point free boundary problem for heat equation (Nonlinear Diffusive Systems and Related Topics)
- Ce系の多重極相互作用と電子秩序(2002年度基研研究会「軌道自由度を持つ強相関電子系の理論の進展」,研究会報告)
- Asymptotic energy concentration in the phase space of the weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
- パークフィールド地震から学ぶもの
- 東北日本の大規模左横ずれ断層系と日本の地体構造の成立ち
- Behavior of harmonic maps into spheres around their isolated singular points (On well-posedness and regularity of solutions to partial differential equations)
- Behavior of harmonic maps into spheres around their isolated singular points (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- B15 秋田焼山・澄川温泉の水蒸気爆発の前駆的微動活動
- 66 南部北上帯西縁部のオルドビス紀深成火成活動
- 北上山地,ペルム系登米統の頁岩中に産する含燐酸塩岩・炭酸塩岩の成因 : 炭素・硫黄同位体による研究(地球における炭素の循環(続))
- Determinacy of Wadge classes in the Baire space and simple iteration of inductive definition (Proof theoretical study of the structure of logic and computation)
- Notes on the Heinz-Kato-Furuta-Uchiyama inequality (Current topics on operator theory and operator inequalities)
- $P$-hyponormal, $p$-quasihyponormal作用素のスペクトラムの孤立点 (作用素論の発展と諸問題)
- An Example of a $p$-Quasihyponormal Operator (Operator Inequalities and related topics)
- 1983 年三宅島噴火後の微小地震活動