東北大学工学部資源工学科 | 論文
- 方解石の溶解速度に及ぼすリン酸イオンの影響
- 493. ざくろ石 : 珪酸塩鉱物間陽イオン交換反応の数学モデル
- ケロシンベ-ス磁性流体の磁性,粘性におよぼす温度の影響
- Decomposition Treatment of Coal and Other Heavy Fossil Fuels in Supercritical Water.
- Utilization of Hydrothermal Reaction in Explorating Energy Resources.:As the basis for developing new technologies in explorating energy resources such as heavy oils, oil sands and coals, hydrothermal reaction is interesting, being considered as one of th
- Dynamic Use of High Pressure Water. Progress in Water Jet Technology.:Progress in Water Jet Technology