東京都立大学 身体運動科学専攻 | 論文
- P300 Before and Affer Transient Hard Exercise
- The Effect of Cold Water Stimulation on Pain-related Somatosensory Evoked Potential in Humans
- Inter-individual Differences of Motoneuron Pool Excitability Assessed by H-reflex are Associated with the Presynaptic Inhibition of la Afferents
- Soleus Motoneuron Pool Excitability in the Resting State Affects the Amount of Reciprocal Inhibition During Dorsiflexion
- Modification of Central Sensory-Motor System in Different Sensory Interferences Tasks
- Behavioural Models of Motor Control and Short-Term Memory
- Changes in Power Spectral Analysis of EEG-Alpha Bands During a Sustained,Voluntary Contraction to Fatigue
- Information-Processing Mediating the Location-Distance Interference in Motor Short-Term Memory
- 1P8:Changes in sympathetic skin response with the Go/NoGo paradigm
- Effects of Target Stimulus on Sympathetic Skin Response in Counting and Reaction Tasks
- Relationship between the P300 Component of Event-Related Potentials and Sympathetic Skin Response in Oddball and WS-IS Paradigms
- Behavioural Models of Motor Control and Short-Term Memory