東京女子医科大学図書館 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- Book Reviews
- Literature-use guide for students
- In-service Training
- Nagayo memorial medical library. (1)
- Tokyo Medical School and Ueno Park.
- Nagayo Memorial Medical Library (3)
- Book Reviews
- :a Report on the 2nd Biological and Medical Librarians Group Meeting
- Doctor's Graves in Somei Cemetery (1)
- Birth of the "Union Catalog of Foreign Medical Books":Short History of the Union Catalog
- A Report of the 8th Meeting of Biomedical Librarians Study Group
- Bibliographies of Translated Literatures
- Methods of organizing audio-visual mater materials. 1. Videocassettes.:1. Videocassettes
- Birth of the "Union Catalog of Foreign Medical Books":Short History of the Union Catalog
- Construction of the database on "special features" articles in Japanese journals by using dBASE III PLUS.
- タイトル無し
- Remains of the Tokyo Medical School
- :Pictorial Explanation of MeSH Heart Terms
- Book Reviews