東京大学 心臓外科学 | 論文
- Quality of Life as an Independent Predictor for Cardiac Events and Death in Patients With Heart Failure
- New pre-clotting method for fibrin glue in a non-sealed graft used in an LVAD : the KYO method
- A novel external counterpulsation system for coronary artery disease and heart failure : pilot studies and initial clinical experiences
- Study of device malfunctions in patients with implantable ventricular assist devices living at home
- Intensively Lowering Both Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Does Not Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Japanese Coronary Artery Disease Patients
- Status and Future Needs of Regional Adult Congenital Heart Disease Centers in Japan : A Nationwide Survey
- Negative pressure wound therapy for left ventricular assist device-related mediastinitis : two case reports
- Thrombotic occlusion of the ascending aorta after Toyobo LVAD implantation with descending aortic perfusion in a post-Bentall patient
- Outcomes of midterm circulatory support by left ventricular assist device implantation with descending aortic anastomosis
- Successful treatment of mediastinitis after ventricular assist device implantation with rerouting of the outflow vascular prosthesis
- A novel counterpulse drive mode of continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices can minimize intracircuit backward flow during pump weaning
- What is the ideal off-test trial for continuous-flow ventricular-assist-device explantation? Intracircuit back-flow analysis in a mock circulation model
- Use of DuraHeart^【○!R】 support for more than 1 year as the first successful bridge to heart transplantation in Japan
- Aldosterone-induced osteopontin gene transcription in vascular smooth muscle cells involves glucocorticoid response element
- Efficacy of low-dose imatinib mesylate for cutaneous involvement in systemic sclerosis : a preliminary report of three cases
- Left ventricular assist device support with a centrifugal pump for 2 months in a 5-kg child
- Successful bridge to recovery with VAD implantation for anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy
- A novel counterpulsation mode of rotary left ventricular assist devices can enhance myocardial perfusion
- Prolonged biventricular assist device support as a bridge to heart transplantation
- New era for therapeutic strategy for heart failure : Destination therapy by left ventricular assist device