東京大学数理科学研究科 | 論文
- H.Q.F. '79 (Classical and Quantum Aspects of Completely Integrable Nonlinear Systems)
- Impenetrable Bosonの密度行列 (代数解析学の最近の発展)
- 高次元のHolonomic Quantum Fields (ソリトンとHolonomic Quantum Fieldsの研究)
- Federbush模型 (ソリトンとHolonomic Quantum Fieldsの研究)
- Studies on Holonomic Quantum Fields : 線型微分方程式の変形理論 (幾何学における大域的解析学)
- 9a-A-2 2次元イジング模型のn点函数
- 10a-YB-1 2次元の強結合場の模型
- Studies on Holonomic Quantum Fields (超局所解析)
- Studies on Holonomic Quantum Fields I (超函数と線型微分方程式 V)
- Dimension Formula for the Landau Singularity (代数解析学の諸問題)
- 共同研究 25 熱帯病の数学モデルの構築と予防制圧への応用
- $\ell$進層のSwan導手とunit-root overconvergent $F$-isocrystalの特性サイクルについて (Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2007)
- Eisenstein series and zeros of zeta functions (解析数論およびその周辺の諸問題--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Spin Fluctuations and Unconventional Superconductivity in the Fe-Based Oxypnictide Superconductor LaFeAsO_ Probed by ^Fe-NMR(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- ^As-NQR/NMR Studies on Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors LaFeAsO_ (y=0, 0.25, 0.4) and NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Confluence from Siegel-Whittaker functions to Whittaker functions on $Sp$(2, $\mathbf{R}$) (Automorphic forms on $Sp$(2,$\mathbf{R}$) and $SU$(2,2) III)
- $SO_o(2, q)$のクラス1主系列表現に対する球関数について (?型対称領域上の保型形式の研究)
- Principal series Whittaker functions on $SL$(3, $\mathbf{R}$) (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)
- PRINCIPAL SERIES WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS ON SYMPLECTIC GROUPS (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)
- EXPLICIT FORMULAS OF PRINCIPAL SERIES WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS ON $Sp$(2, R) (Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory)