札幌医科大学 内科学第四講座 | 論文
- 気腫性腎盂腎炎の1例
- Etoposide, Methotrexate経口投与にて4年間以上良好な経過を示したSezary症候群
- 腫瘍細胞がBFU-Eを抑制し, cyclophosphamide,cyclosporin併用が著効した, 顆粒リンパ球性白血病合併赤芽球癆
- 自家骨髄移植を併用した大量化学療法で完全寛解を得た治療抵抗性濾胞性リンパ腫
- Case report of a focal nodular hyperplasia-like nodule present in cirrhotic liver
- Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in a patient with T-prolymphocytic leukemia with small-intestinal involvement
- Fatality Caused by Self-Bloodletting in a Patient with Factitious Anemia
- A case of malignant lymphoma producing autoatibody against platelet glycoprotein Ib
- Use of PCR serum in diagnosing and monitoring cytomegalovirus reactivation in bone marrow transplant recipients
- Long-term phlebotomy with low-iron diet therapy lowers risk of development of hepatocellular carcinoma from chronic hepatitis C
- A novel treatment for early gastrointestinal carcinoma by ultrasonic endoscopic mucosal stripping
- Treatment of murine collagen-induced arthritis by ex vivo extracellular superoxide dismutase gene transger.
- Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia successfully treated with octreotide
- Synergistic Suppressive Effect of Double Transfection of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin 12 Genes on Tumorigenicity of Meth-A Cells
- Japanese epidemiological survey with consensus statement on Japanese guidelines for treatment of iron overload in bone marrow failure syndromes
- リザーバー肝動注用カテーテルの十二指腸球部逸脱の1例
- Ex vivo large-scale generation of human red blood cells from cord blood CD34^+ cells by co-culturing with macrophages
- Drug resistance is dramatically restored by hedgehog inhibitors in CD34^+ leukemic cells
- A Patient with TP53 Germline Mutation Developed Bowen's Disease and Myelodysplastic Syndrome with Myelofibrosis after Chemotherapy against Ovarian Cancer
- C (H) OP refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in whom salvage chemotherapy chosen by evaluating multiple chemotherapeutic drug-resistant factors was remarkably effective