昭和女子大学学部英米文学科 | 論文
- 『虚栄の市』におけるシンボリズム
- Thomas Otway 作 Caius Marius について
- Language Learning Orientations of Showa Students and the Boston Study-abroad Program
- John Ashbery : Pop culture,Tradition and postmodernism
- Facelessness and the Narrative Grotesque in Kobe Abe's The Face of Another
- 感性のル-ツとしての時代と風土--二人の作家の生涯と作品の考察-1-Zora Neale Hurston
- The Sorrow dance of Accordion Dreams : Separation and Reunion in Toni Morrison's Beloved
- Deep in the Forest of Wisdom Trees Motherhood Springs Eternal : Multiple Layers of Love and Sacrifice in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon
- The Spectacle of the Figurative : A People's Path to Communitas Studies in African American Folklore
- Language, Identity, and the Chinese American Experience
- The Learning Style Preferences of Japanese EFL Students