昭和大学 歯 口腔解剖 | 論文
- Allometric Scaling of Deciduous and Permanent Molars in Catarrhine Primates
- Odontometrical Analysis of Filipino Dentition
- 乳歯象牙質の無機質における生化学的検討
- Shoes Last Design for Old Men to Improve Their Weak Acceleration during Walking
- 床反力解析からみた高齢者歩行の特徴〔英文〕
- 上顎側切歯は中切歯が大きいときに退化するか
- Introduction to the Proceedings of the Symposium, "Deciduous Teeth in Dental Anthropology"
- Geographical Variations in the Cranium of Saguinus geoffroyi
- 双生児モデルによる上顎側切歯の退化に関与する遺伝・環境要因の分析
- Tooth size in individuals with congenitally missing teeth : a study of Japanese males