昭和大学 医学部臨床感染症学 | 論文
- Clinical viability of Fungitell, a new (1→3)-β-D-glucan measurement kit, for diagnosis of invasive fungal infection, and comparison with other kits available in Japan
- Japanese guidelines for the management of community-acquired pneumonia : is it possible to distinguish between mycoplasmal pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia?
- Q&A 肺炎診療におけるCRPとPCTの有用性を教えてください (特集 肺炎外来マネジメント)
- 血清診断は有用か? : β-D-グルカンの測定意義,対象は? (特集 外科救急領域における深在性真菌症対策 : カンジダ感染症を中心に : プラクティス・エビデンスの批判的吟味)
- Bedside Teaching 肺真菌症の血清診断
- 呼吸器感染症における新規抗菌薬の臨床評価法 (第二版)
- Efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia based on pharmacokinetic analysis
- Two-way analysis for detecting factors affecting ventilator-associated pneumonia
- コリスチンの適正使用に関する指針
- Relationship between clinical efficacy for pulmonary MAC and drug-sensitivity test for isolated MAC in a recent 6-year period
- Nationwide, multicenter survey on the efficacy and safety of piperacillin for adult community-acquired pneumonia in Japan
- Iliopsoas abscess caused by Aspergillus fumigatus complicated by pulmonary aspergillosis