早稲田大学理工学術院応用物理学科 | 論文
- 27p-J-7 一次元ランダム系の透過係数, コンダクタンスゆらぎの普遍則
- カオスを視る--予測不可能な世界への扉 (物理現象を視る--CGがひらく新しい世界)
- 5a-P-3 散乱過程のカオス的現象
- 4p-PS-57 長距離相関のあるランダム系のコンダクタンス
- 4p-PS-33 神経回路網におけるZipf則は普遍的かII
- ローレンツ博士を偲ぶ
- The Lempel-Ziv Complexity of Non-Stationary Chaos in Infinite Ergodic Cases(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Logarithmic Scaling in the Stationary-Nonstationary Chaos Transition(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Cluster Formations in Rule Dynamical Systems : Emergence of Non-Local Effects
- On the Diagram for the Onset of Global Chaos and Reconnection Phenomena in the Quadratic Nontwist Map
- Kinetic Laws of Clustering Motions in N-Body Systems
- Clustering Motions in N-Body Systems : Computer Experiments of Kinetic Laws
- Indicators of Reconnection Processes and Transition to Global Chaos in Nontwist Maps : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Chaos and Singularities in the Mixmaster Universe : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- 25. 複雑系への視点 (非線形現象の不思議)
- Breakup Process and Geometrical Structure of High-Dimensional KAM Tori : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- The Breakup Condition of Shearless KAM Curves in the Quadratic Map : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- 非線形系の機能を探る : カオスから自己組織化へ
- 偶然性の物理学--カオスからみた地震 (地震の予測可能性)
- カオスの問題