日本原子力研究所保健物理安全管理部 | 論文
- Derivation of Investigation Level for Nose Smear Sample to Assess Internal Exposure
- Radiation Quantities and Units (IV):From a Viewpoint of Microdosimetry
- Deposition Fraction and Effective Half Life of Iodine-131 in Human Thyroid
- :Uptake of Actinoids on Glass Fibre Filter Paper and Some Investigation of the Fluctuation of the Recovery
- Solidification in Bottle of Plutonium Liquid Wastes
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- Intercomparison of the Accuracy of Dosimetry Systems Used in the Different Facilities
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- 粗い壁の管内におけるエアロゾル粒子の沈着に関する一考察
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- Airborne Fission Products Released during Cutting of Irradiation Fuels
- Application of Chromosome Aberration Frequency in Human Lymphocytes to Biological Dosimetry
- Caluculation on Deposition Loss of Particles in a Straight Conduit for Determining the Aerosol Sampling Conditions
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- 85Kr as an Environmental Contaminant
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