日本原子力研究所保健物理安全管理部 | 論文
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- Determination of Alpha Emitting Particle Size by the Autoradiography Using ZnS (Ag) Powder Screen
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- Method for Assessing Neutron Dose Equivalent Rate in Operational Health Physics
- Calibration of a Cylindrical Ionization Chamber Used for 85Kr Monitoring
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- :An Supplementary Examination of the Method Reported by EAKINS et al., and Comparison with a Method Using Coprecipitation
- Evaluation of Protection Factors Provided by Full-face Masks Using Man-test Method at Workplace.
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- Day-to-day Variation of Urine 90Sr as Determined from Urine Calcium:A Cause of Error in the Estimation of Body 90Sr by Urinalysis
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- A Consideration on the Estimation of Organ Doses Due to External Exposure
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- Performance of Model 7FE Charcoal Filter for the Removal of Airborne Radioiodine:1. In-place Test for the Design of Air Cleaning System at Iodine-131 Production Facilities
- Variation of mutation frequency in Tradescantia stamen hairs cultivated near to a power reactor site.
- Measurement of release rate of NaCl aerosol from a fume hood.
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- Performance of Gas Monitor Employed at Fuel Reprocessing Test Plant of JAERI