日本中央競馬会競走馬理化学研究所 | 論文
- Construction and Validation of Parentage Testing for Thoroughbred Horses by 53 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
- 15座位のマイクロサテライトを使用したサラブレッド種における親子鑑定システムの構築(公衆衛生学:)
- F18遺伝子の構造と機能および繰り返し配列の検索
- ウマのアメロゲニン遺伝子の単離と構造解析
- (CAG)nリピートを持つ新しい遺伝子の単離
- マイクロサテライトDNA多型の馬の親子鑑定への応用
- ウマのCA繰り返し配列の検索
- 蒙古在来馬集団の遺伝的特徴について
- 木曽馬のDNA多型からみた遺伝子構成
- ウマの CA repeat 検索法
- Establishment of a Trait Mapping Method Using Whole Genome Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis
- FISH Assignment of the Horse DNA Markers Using BAC Clones
- Construction of a Large Insert DNA Library Necessary for the International Project for Equine Gene Mapping
- 木曽馬におけるミトコンドリアDNA D-loop領域のPCR-RFLP解析
- Cytological and Bacteriological Observation of Tracheal Aspirates and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Obtained from Thoroughbred Racehorses with Pneumonia Associated with Transport
- Research on Pharmacokinetics in Racehorses : Tissue Distribution of Gentamicin
- Impact of Dynamic Stress due to Exercise on Horn Tubule Density of the Hoof Wall
- The Impact of Restricted Movement on Tendon Tissue Maturity of Horses : Changes in Distribution Patterns of Collagen Fibril Diameter
- Establishment and Evaluation of Clinical Pathology and Clinical Bacteriology Test Methods for Bacterial Pneumonia in Racehorses
- Characterization of Immune Cell Populations in Lymph Nodes of Horses Infected with Bacterial, Viral and Protozoal Pathogens