新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科附属腎研究施設 構造病理学 | 論文
- Glomerular Podocytes Express Protocadherin 17
- Localization of Tyrosine-Phosphorylated Proteins in the Normal Rat Kidney
- Two-dimensional electrophoretic profiling of normal human kidney : differential protein expression in glomerulus, cortex and medulla
- Expression of MMP-9 in mesangial cells and its changes in anti-GBM glomerulonephritis in WKY rats
- C-terminus SDEL of BMZ Olfactomedin-related Protein is a Golgi Retention Signal in Glomerular Podocytes
- Localization and Expression of the Aquaporin-1 Water Channel in Mesangial Cells in the Human Glomerulus
- Expression and Immunolocalization of AQP6 in Intercalated Cells of the Rat Kidney Collecting Duct
- モルヒネ依存ラットの神経ペプチドY mRNAの変化
- プロテオミクスの試料調製
- Sea Urchin Sialidase : Partial Purification and Characterization
- 1 交感神経コトランスミッターneuropeptide Y (NPY)の血管平滑筋収縮反応性(I.一般演題,第35回新潟高血圧談話会)