新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科予防医療学分野 | 論文
- 社会的望ましさと急性目的達成型ストレス(暗算)における自律神経機能の関係 : 両親の養育態度を考慮して
- ICT活動下における耐性緑膿菌の検出状況とカルバペネム系抗菌薬が耐性化に及ぼす影響
- 実験的自己免疫性心筋炎ラットに対するセリバスタチンの効果
- 3 新規超音波造影剤ソナゾイドの肝細胞癌診療における有用性(I.一般演題,第56回新潟画像医学研究会)
- 10 当科における内視鏡的乳頭切除術の現状(Session III『胆道』,第7回新潟胆膵研究会)
- PJ-807 Color-coded Maps of Multi-detector Row Computed Tomography for Tissue Characterization of Coronary Arteries(PJ135,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-354 Validation of Speckle Tracking Imaging in Measurement of Left Atrial and Left Atrial Appendage Function Using Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography(PJ060,Echo/Doppler (New Technology) 4 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Sci
- PJ-211 Left Atrial Appendage Function and Left Atrial Function by Velocity Vector Imaging as New Predictor for Thrombus in Atrial Fibrillation(PJ036,Echo/Doppler (New Technology) 3 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Ja
- OE-335 Impact of Tissue Characteristics of Coronary Plaque on Distal Embolization after Stent Deployment Evaluated by Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound (IB-IVUS)(OE57,Intravascular Imagings (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Sci
- OE-334 Longitudinal Distribution of Lipid Pools in Coronary Plaques Evaluated by Three-dimensional Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound (3D IB-IVUS)(OE57,Intravascular Imagings (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting
- Simvastatin reduces myocardial infarct size via increased nitric oxide production in normocholesterolemic rabbits
- Transcatheter embolization by autologous blood clot is useful management for small side branch perforation due to percutaneous coronary intervention guide wire
- Tissue Characterization of Coronary Plaques : Comparison of Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound With Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound
- Can negative cardiac effect of proton pump inhibitor and high-dose H2-blocker have clinical influence on patients with stable angina?
- Conservative Medication Follow-up for Over 20 Years of a Patient With Ischemic Heart Disease After Diagnosis of Chronic Total Occlusion of the 3 Main Coronary Arteries
- 非線形自己回帰モデルによる心拍数変動のモデリング
- 心拍数および脈波伝播速度の変動よりみた心血管系ストレス
- PROLOG による医療技術職員スケジュール管理法の実現
- ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法によるヒト脳脊髄液中の24S-ヒドロキシコレステロールの定量(若手研究者の初論文)
- 閉経後女性の高HDL血症におけるCETP遺伝子異常に関する検討